The Sustainability Foundation
Earth is my mother, and I am her child
“The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it”Barry Commoner
About Us
The dangers of climate change and environmental degradation have reached gargantuan proportions, an imminent catastrophe is not lying in the distant future, but is lurking around the corner, and the threat is decidedly real and palpable. Big agreements were drafted and signed in big conferences for decades now, but the commitments have not been fulfilled, and the changes have not resulted in desired effects. We decided to make changes happen, not in the future, but here and now. Members of the foundation joined hands from different parts of the world, and thus The Sustainability Foundation came into existence.
- Education
- Environmental
- Campaign
- Advocation
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Our Key Priorities
Our key priorities are to involve the local communities, children, students, community leaders, political leaders, business and industry, and people in every walks of life to make tangible and palpable changes by adopting sustainable practices in their daily lives.
Green Energy
Quick and effective transition to green and sustainable energy
No Plastic
Minimum or no use of plastic products. Reuse and Recycle unavoidable plastic.
Preserve and enhance natural ecosystem and habitat through eco-friendly and eco-benevolent behavior.
We Take Action. To Make Better Changes
To make the aims and objectives visible in real life we have targeted the following goals
Planned Projects

Moment Captured
Content to be added
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- Videos
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The future of power distribution networks (with ENEL)
From Energy Transition to Energy Crunch: The “Natgaspocalypse”
Long Duration Energy Storage: the “Final Frontier”
Fuel Switch or Fuel Fix for Steel and Cement?
Methane, the invisible elephant in the room
Mike Cannon-Brookes on the green energy future
Grid batteries up for electric buses
Energy Insiders Podcast: Australia can hit 91 pct renewables in a decade, and keep the lights on
Energy Insiders Podcast: Alinta’s big Pilbara and offshore wind plays
Energy Insiders Podcast: Europe’s gas crisis
Our Volunteers
Here is a list of our volunteers.
Dr. Yashodhan Agalgaonkar
Ravindra Gujral
Ravi Agrawal
Rajendra Gabryal